Filtermax offers extensive possibilities for talented and innovative people to enjoy career paths filled with success and personal growth.
Professionals in fields of engineering, business, sales and marketing are the core of excellence. Our goal is to create a perfect future through discovery and technology.
Our HR Vision
International diversity
Professional teamwork that reflect to our environment
Fair, 3600 performance-related evaluation and remuneration
Leadership and respect for all employees
Personal eagerness to learn
Our HR Culture
Our HR culture is made by our employees.
We trust each other and believe integrity.
Our people are care about social responsibility.
We like take responsibility for all level of business and social life.
Innovation and technology are our strategic way of one HR policies.
Aiming to value added to our customers.
Send us your CV
If you are interested in any of the positions we have available or would like to send directly to us, please prepare your Cover Letter and attaching your CV.
Thank you for choosing Filtermax.